About National Population Council..
Population Counter

The Government of Uganda recognises that its population is the single most important resource that can propel development. Government also recognises the intricate and fundamental interrelations between population and development. Furthermore, it recognises that the process of development has an important effect on population trends and factors which, in turn, have a major impact on the attainment of development objectives and targets.

It is against this background that Government established the Population Secretariat in 1988 as a semi-autonomous government institution under the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, to coordinate the formulation and implementation of a comprehensive Population Policy and to ensure the incorporation of population variables in Uganda’s development planning at all levels. The National Population Policy is in harmony with the National Vision and Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP).

The Goal

To promote the integration of population factors into policies and programmes to contribute to population-influencing development.


  • Formulate and review the National Population Policy, ensuring policy and programme coherence, including alignment with appropriate international instruments and agreements.
  • Promote the integration of population variables in development planning at all levels in the country.
  • Co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Population Policy and programme.
  • Mobilize resources for implementation of the country population policy and programme

Strategic Objectives

  • To promote the integration of population variables in development planning at national, sector, district and lower levels.
  • To promote collaboration and partnerships among government ministries, agencies, institutions and civil society organizations that address population issues.
  • To develop capacity for efficient and effective implementation of population policies and programmes.
  • To mobilize resources for programs that address population issues at national and lower levels.
  • To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Population Policy and programmes.


The staff of National Population Council more...

Core business

The core business of NPC comprises Advocacy, Policy Analysis and Development, Capacity Building, Monitoring and Evaluation, Resource Mobilisation for Population Programme. Read more...

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