Population Counter

Overview of National Population Council

National Population Council (NPC), is a government agency established by an Act of Parliament in 2014, as a semi autonomous institution under the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED). The Council transitioned from the Population Secretariat established in 1988 and is mandated to coordinate the implementation of the National Population Policy and Population Programme and to advocate for the integration of population factors in development plans.

Structure of the National Population Databank

The National Population Databank provides accurate, reliable and timely Population data for use in planning, policy formulation, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation of the country’s population programme.

The databank has a user-friendly interface, and it provides indicators and their implications in the different sectors of population, health, economy and education.

The National databank has 230 indicators from the different sectors such as health, education, population, Energy, agriculture, environment, economy, minerals and energy.  These indicators will be included into the databank in a phased manner and currently, the National Population Databank has indicators in the sectors of health, education, population and the economy as follows;

Population Sector

The population sector has 18 indicators which include; Total Population (Millions), Total Projected Population, Urban Population (millions), Urbanization Rate (%), Population Density, Population Growth Rate (%), Dependency Ratio, The median age of a population, Average Household Size, Sex Ratio, Life Expectancy at Birth, special age groups (ECD, Primary, Secondary, Children, Adults, Youth) and the population age structure.

The health Sector

The health sector has nine indicators which include; Neonatal mortality, Infant Mortality Rate, Under-five mortality rate (U5MR), Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR), Total Fertility Rate, Contraceptive prevalence rate, Unmet need for family planning, teenage pregnancy and Prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age.

The education Sector

The education sector has four indicators which include; Net Enrolment Ratio at all levels, Literacy rate, Gross Enrolment Ratio at all levels and transition rates.

The economy Sector

The economy sector has 10 indicators and they include; Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Labour force participation rate, Unemployment rate, Poverty headcount (P0), Unemployment rate for the youth 18-30 years, Underemployment Rate, Employment – to- population ratio, Gini Coefficient and Income per capita


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