Launching the State of Uganda Population Report 2010 took place on Wednesday 20th October 2010 at Imperial Royal Hotel. This year’s theme was, “Population and Sustainable Development; Emerging Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects”
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World population Day 2010
The national celebrations of the 2010 World Population day were sucessfully hosted by Nebbi district under the theme: Plan for a quality population because everyone counts.
Launching of State of Uganda and World Population Reports 2009
This took place at Sheraton Kampala Hotel on 26th November 2009. The National Theme was: “Addressing the Effects of Climate Change on Migration Patterns and Women.” The function was presided over by Hon. Syda Bbumba, the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Over 500 people attended the function including Members of Parliament, Government officials, […]
World Population Day 2009
The national celebrations were successfully hosted by Katakwi distrct under the theme: “Empowering Communities to Overcome Challenges of Poverty.” The main celebrations were attended by over 1500 comprising policy makers, government technocrats, district leaders, civil society representatives, development partners and the genaral populace. The function was presided over by Hon. Beatrice Wabudeya, Minister for Presidency.