Population Counter

Policy and Planning Department

The Policy and Planning Department oversees the development and review of policies and plans that promote integration of population factors in development programmes at national, district and lower levels. The department also enhances the capacities of districts and sub-counties to integrate population variables into plans and programmes.

It also promotes data collection, analysis, and dissemination at national, district and sub-county level, which provides the basis of population and development awareness as well as encouraging the district leadership to allocate resources for support of population activities in their districts.

It further co-ordinates the population and development strategies (PDS) sub-sectors of the Country Population Program, which is jointly executed by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. It further co-ordinates the provision of population information technology to other relevant agencies.

Family Health Department

The Family Health Department, through partnerships with relevant sector ministries, Civil Society Organisations and other stakeholders promotes advocacy for reproductive health, safe motherhood and child survival. It also promotes the integration of reproductive health issues in development programmes at national, district and lower levels.

The department takes responsibility for programming, monitoring, co-ordinating and providing technical support to reproductive health projects. It also co-ordinates reproductive health-related research to influence decision-making, planning, and programming at different levels.

It works with the Office of the First Lady and the Office of the Nnabagereka, who, as Goodwill Ambassadors, promote safe motherhood and child survival.

Information and Communication Department

The Information and Communication Department develops, manages, co-ordinates and monitors multimedia and advocacy strategies and interventions to enhance and sustain a policy environment supportive of population and development programmes.

It disseminates population-related information and documents and packages best practices and lessons learnt in population and development issues.

The department is also responsible for the Secretariat’s public relations. It develops population communication and multi-media strategies for publicity and establishes media relations for highlighting population and development issues and activities.

Monitoring and Evaluation Department

The Monitoring and Evaluation Department coordinates the monitoring and evaluation of population programs and activities as well as research such as national population reports. It also coordinates resource mobilization for effective and sustained implementation of population programmes.

Finance and Administration Department

The Finance and Administration Department provides logistical and administrative support and ensures proper management of human and financial resources.

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