Population Counter



The State of Uganda Population Report (SUPRE) is an annual publication produced by National Population Council (NPC). The objective is to advance advocacy for population and development. The report highlights the critical population and development issues that impede national development and undermine the progress toward achieving a quality of life for the people of Uganda.
“Mindset Change for A Favourable Population Age Structure: A Prerequisite for Wealth Creation.”
Sub Themes
Uganda’s Population Age Structure and Wealth Creation
The sub-theme will explore the role of Family Planning (FP) as a driver in shaping population age structure, the relationship between population age structure and economic growth, gender disparities in Uganda’s population age structure and their implications, the effect of migration and the challenges and opportunities of Uganda’s youthful population for wealth creation..
Inclusive Education, Mindset Change, and Economic Growth
This sub-theme will look at the role of inclusive education in enhancing mindset change in propelling economic growth in Uganda and early childhood development and promoting a mindset change towards inclusivity, diversity, and equality in Uganda that can drive economic growth and prosperity for all.
Mindset Change and Skilling for Wealth Creation
This sub-theme will focus on the extent of government contribution to skilling, skilling for the out-of-school youth, apprenticeship, barriers to job creation, and integration of vocational education.
Investing in Agriculture for Wealth Creation
The sub-theme explores innovative agricultural practices, Public-Private Partnerships, infrastructural development, commercial farming, and smallholder farming.
Digital Transformation and Wealth Creation
The sub-theme will explore issues to do with efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery, the role of ICT in enhancing youth employment, the strategies in place to ensure the accessibility and affordability of ICT services, and the extent ICT
improves access to reproductive health services.
Policy Frameworks for Mindset Change
This sub-theme will examine the impact of citizen participation in enhancing the Demographic Dividend, the role of livelihood programs on sustainable household incomes, the role of citizens in supporting development initiatives, and the
challenges of existing wealth creation programs.
Target dates/Deadlines
Advert for Abstract 12th May 2023
Abstract submission deadline 16th June 2023
Notification of acceptance 26th June 2023
Full article submission 28th July 2023
Launch of SUPRE 26th October 2023

Submit an abstract of up to 400-500 words, excluding the title, with the subject heading “State of Uganda Population Report 2023,” should be emailed to the following addresses: humphreytushabe@gmail.com or stuart.tushabe@gmail.com and a copy to samuelsamson.omwa@npcsec.go.ug. The detailed call for abstracts can be accessed from the NPC website. www.npcsec.go.ug

Please find below:

Abstract Submission Form

Detailed Advert – Call for Abstracts SUPRE 2023


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