Population Counter

Population and Development Media Awards 2019

Population and Development Media Awards 2019

Over the year, the National Population Council has worked with the media to advocate for policies that can address key population and development issues and to sensitize communities on having manageable family sizes, because the media plays an important role in creating awareness, and bringing the attention of decision makers to population and development issues.  The media can also influence public and policy agenda towards the population concerns of the country by highlighting population issues that hinder socio-economic development thus bringing them to the public and policy domain.

Against this, the National Population Council will organize 2019 Media Awards to recognize Journalists who exceled in covering population and development issues in 2018/2019.

As a way of attracting a number of journalists to participate, a launch of the awards will be organized on 17th May 2019 to interest them submit their entries. The launch will also be used to popularizing 2019 NPC’s advocacy events including; World Population Day 2019 which will be hosted by Adjumani district on July 11, 2019 and, the Population and Development Conference (UAPs 2019) which will take place on 15th November 2019 in Kampala.


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